Every year, when the snow starts to melt, 67-year-old Gaddi shepherd Room Singh packs a few of his essentials. ˈɛvəri jɪr, wɛn ðə snoʊ stɑrts tu mɛlt, 67-year-old* gaddi* ˈʃɛpərd rum sɪŋ pæks ə fju ʌv hɪz ɛˈsɛnʃəlz. 每年,当雪开始融化时,67 岁的 Gaddi 牧羊人 Room Singh 都会打包一些他的必需品。 Food to last him for three to four months, 40 kgs of salt for his animals, pots and pans, a worn-out radio, medicines, a torch and solar lantern, and an old rifle to scare bears away. fud tu læst hɪm fɔr θri tu fɔr mʌnθs, 40 kgs* ʌv sɔlt fɔr hɪz ˈænəməlz, pɑts ənd pænz, ə worn-out* ˈreɪdiˌoʊ, ˈmɛdəsənz, ə tɔrʧ ənd ˈsoʊlər ˈlæntərn, ənd æn oʊld ˈraɪfəl tu skɛr bɛrz əˈweɪ. 够他吃三到四个月的食物、他的动物需要的 40 公斤盐、锅碗瓢盆、破旧的收音机、药品、手电筒和太阳能灯,以及一把用来吓跑熊的旧步枪。 Rounding up his flock of about 300 goats and sheep, he bids farewell to his wife Hitmani Devi, his family and his village Shiah in ˈraʊndɪŋ ʌp hɪz flɑk ʌv əˈbaʊt 300 goʊts ənd ʃip, hi bɪdz ˌfɛrˈwɛl tu hɪz waɪf hitmani* devi*, hɪz ˈfæməli ənd hɪz ˈvɪləʤ ʃiə ɪn 他围捕了大约 300 只山羊和绵羊,告别了他的妻子 Hitmani Devi、他的家人和他在
Grass. græs. 草。 Juicy blades of grass high up on the hill slopes, fed by meltwater streams and clean mountain air that his flock loves to graze on. ˈʤusi bleɪdz ʌv græs haɪ ʌp ɑn ðə hɪl sloʊps, fɛd baɪ ˈmɛltˌwɑtər strimz ənd klin ˈmaʊntən ɛr ðæt hɪz flɑk lʌvz tu greɪz ɑn. 山坡上多汁的草叶,融水流和清新的山间空气滋养着他的羊群喜欢吃草的地方。 That is what Room Singh goes looking for, when summer reaches the valley. ðæt ɪz wʌt rum sɪŋ goʊz ˈlʊkɪŋ fɔr, wɛn ˈsʌmər ˈriʧəz ðə ˈvæli. 当夏天到达山谷时,这就是 Room Singh 去寻找的东西。
For hundreds of years, nomadic Gaddis have responded to the changing seasons, heading up in summer and turning back from the high grasslands before the freezing winter. fɔr ˈhʌndrədz ʌv jɪrz, noʊˈmædɪk ˈgædɪs hæv rɪˈspɑndɪd tu ðə ˈʧeɪnʤɪŋ ˈsizənz, ˈhɛdɪŋ ʌp ɪn ˈsʌmər ənd ˈtərnɪŋ bæk frʌm ðə haɪ ˈgræsˌlændz bɪˈfɔr ðə ˈfrizɪŋ ˈwɪntər. 数百年来,游牧民族加迪斯人一直在应对季节的变化,在夏季前行,在寒冷的冬季前从高原草原返回。 For the last 40 years, Room Singh has followed in their footsteps, wrapped in his woollen chola (knee-length coat) and tapping his trusty stick. fɔr ðə læst 40 jɪrz, rum sɪŋ hæz ˈfɑloʊd ɪn ðɛr ˈfʊtˌstɛps, ræpt ɪn hɪz ˈwʊlən chola* (knee-length* koʊt) ənd ˈtæpɪŋ hɪz ˈtrʌsti stɪk. 在过去的 40 年里,Room Singh 一直追随着他们的脚步,裹着他的羊毛 chola(及膝大衣),敲着他那可信赖的手杖。 Finding pastures isn't always easy. ˈfaɪndɪŋ ˈpæsʧərz ˈɪzənt ˈɔlˌweɪz ˈizi. 寻找牧场并不总是那么容易。 Some years ago, when he reached his final camping ground at Donspaan, it snowed for two days without stopping. sʌm jɪrz əˈgoʊ, wɛn hi riʧt hɪz ˈfaɪnəl ˈkæmpɪŋ graʊnd æt donspaan*, ɪt snoʊd fɔr tu deɪz wɪˈθaʊt ˈstɑpɪŋ. 几年前,当他到达他在顿斯潘的最后一个露营地时,下了两天没有停的雪。 His animals went without food because the grass was buried deep. hɪz ˈænəməlz wɛnt wɪˈθaʊt fud bɪˈkɔz ðə græs wɑz ˈbɛrid dip. 他的动物没有食物,因为草被埋得很深。 He couldn't bear to eat, either. hi ˈkʊdənt bɛr tu it, ˈiðər. 他也舍不得吃。 "If they go hungry, I do too," he says. "ɪf ðeɪ goʊ ˈhʌŋgri, aɪ du tu," hi sɛz. “如果他们挨饿,我也会挨饿,”他说。 He begins his long uphill trek from a village called Kalga. hi bɪˈgɪnz hɪz lɔŋ ˈʌˈphɪl trɛk frʌm ə ˈvɪləʤ kɔld kalga*. 他从一个叫做 Kalga 的村庄开始了漫长的上坡跋涉。 After crossing Kheerganga, Room Singh enters a wild and unspoilt landscape, where settlements have musical-sounding names. ˈæftər ˈkrɔsɪŋ kheerganga*, rum sɪŋ ˈɛntərz ə waɪld ənd unspoilt* ˈlændˌskeɪp, wɛr ˈsɛtəlmənts hæv musical-sounding* neɪmz. 穿过 Kheerganga 后,Room Singh 进入了一片未受破坏的荒野景观,那里的定居点有着悦耳的名字。 Tundabhuj, Thakur Kuan, Patra Ghat, Pandu Pul, and finally Donspaan. tundabhuj*, thakur* kwɑn, patra* ghat*, pandu* pul*, ənd ˈfaɪnəli donspaan*. Tundabhuj、Thakur Kuan、Patra Ghat、Pandu Pul,最后是 Donspaan。 KALGA KHEERGANGA TUNDABHUJ THAKUR KUAN PATRA GHAT PANDU PUL PARVATI RIVER DONSPAAN PIN PARVATI VALLEY Map not to scale. kalga* kheerganga* tundabhuj* thakur* kwɑn patra* ghat* pandu* pul* parvati* ˈrɪvər donspaan* pɪn parvati* ˈvæli mæp nɑt tu skeɪl. KALGA KHEERGANGA TUNDABHUJ THAKUR KUAN PATRA GHAT PANDU PUL PARVATI RIVER DONSPAAN PIN PARVATI VALLEY 地图未按比例绘制。 The 60-kilometre journey takes him along the raging Parvati. ðə 60-kilometre* ˈʤərni teɪks hɪm əˈlɔŋ ðə ˈreɪʤɪŋ parvati*. 60 公里的旅程带着他沿着汹涌的帕尔瓦蒂 (Parvati) 前进。 The bridge across is broken, and there's only one trail ahead. ðə brɪʤ əˈkrɔs ɪz ˈbroʊkən, ənd ðɛrz ˈoʊnli wʌn treɪl əˈhɛd. 桥断了,前面只有一条路。 He crosses icy torrents and melting snow bridges; he climbs across steep rock faces and navigates chilly waterfalls. hi ˈkrɔsɪz ˈaɪsi ˈtɔrənts ənd ˈmɛltɪŋ snoʊ ˈbrɪʤəz; hi klaɪmz əˈkrɔs stip rɑk ˈfeɪsəz ənd ˈnævəˌgeɪts ˈʧɪli ˈwɔtərˌfɔlz. 他穿过冰冷的激流和融化的雪桥;他爬过陡峭的岩壁,在寒冷的瀑布中航行。 The tinkling of the flock's bells keeps him company in the silence. ðə ˈtɪŋkəlɪŋ ʌv ðə flock's* bɛlz kips hɪm ˈkʌmpəˌni ɪn ðə ˈsaɪləns. 羊群的铃铛声在寂静中陪伴着他。
Here, 13,000 feet up in the Pin Parvati valley, Room Singh likes to walk in the wide open spaces, collecting firewood and letting his flock graze at its own pace. hir, 13,000* fit ʌp ɪn ðə pɪn parvati* ˈvæli, rum sɪŋ laɪks tu wɔk ɪn ðə waɪd ˈoʊpən ˈspeɪsəz, kəˈlɛktɪŋ ˈfaɪərˌwʊd ənd ˈlɛtɪŋ hɪz flɑk greɪz æt ɪts oʊn peɪs. 在这里,在 13,000 英尺高的 Pin Parvati 山谷中,Room Singh 喜欢在开阔的空地上散步,收集木柴并让他的羊群按照自己的节奏吃草。 There is no rush to get anywhere. ðɛr ɪz noʊ rʌʃ tu gɛt ˈɛniˌwɛr. 不用急着去任何地方。 The air is pure. ðə ɛr ɪz pjʊr. 空气纯净。 The water is clear and sweet. ðə ˈwɔtər ɪz klɪr ənd swit. 水清澈甘甜。 Wildflowers are abloom and herbs grow waiting to be picked. ˈwaɪldˌflaʊrz ɑr əˈblum ənd ərbz groʊ ˈweɪtɪŋ tu bi pɪkt. 野花盛开,药草生长等待采摘。 Room Singh has seen these high places change over the years. rum sɪŋ hæz sin ðiz haɪ ˈpleɪsəz ʧeɪnʤ ˈoʊvər ðə jɪrz. 多年来,Room Singh 见证了这些高地的变化。 There was a time when no rock could be seen on the mountains nearby because they were always covered by snow. ðɛr wɑz ə taɪm wɛn noʊ rɑk kʊd bi sin ɑn ðə ˈmaʊntənz ˈnɪrˈbaɪ bɪˈkɔz ðeɪ wər ˈɔlˌweɪz ˈkʌvərd baɪ snoʊ. 曾经有一段时间,附近的山上看不到岩石,因为它们总是被雪覆盖。 Now, with temperatures rising because of climate change, the glaciers are melting and grassy pastures have become rare. naʊ, wɪð ˈtɛmprəʧərz ˈraɪzɪŋ bɪˈkɔz ʌv ˈklaɪmət ʧeɪnʤ, ðə ˈgleɪʃərz ɑr ˈmɛltɪŋ ənd ˈgræsi ˈpæsʧərz hæv bɪˈkʌm rɛr. 现在,随着气候变化导致气温升高,冰川正在融化,长满青草的牧场变得稀少。
He worries that if it stops snowing, the rivers will run dry and the world will come to an end. hi ˈwəriz ðæt ɪf ɪt stɑps snoʊɪŋ, ðə ˈrɪvərz wɪl rʌn draɪ ənd ðə wərld wɪl kʌm tu æn ɛnd. 他担心如果雪停了,河流就会干涸,世界就会走到尽头。
To the Gaddi, each stone, each spring, each slope is precious. tu ðə gaddi*, iʧ stoʊn, iʧ sprɪŋ, iʧ sloʊp ɪz ˈprɛʃəs. 对于加迪人来说,每一块石头、每一个泉水、每一个斜坡都是珍贵的。 Room Singh loves the mountains like he does his family, and never feels lonely. rum sɪŋ lʌvz ðə ˈmaʊntənz laɪk hi dʌz hɪz ˈfæməli, ənd ˈnɛvər filz ˈloʊnli. Room Singh 像爱家人一样爱山,从不感到孤独。 The shepherd sleeps under the open sky, his flock gathered around him. ðə ˈʃɛpərd slips ˈʌndər ðə ˈoʊpən skaɪ, hɪz flɑk ˈgæðərd əraʊnd hɪm. 牧羊人在开阔的天空下睡觉,他的羊群聚集在他周围。 He wastes little and barely pollutes, taking only what he needs from nature and leaving no trace of his stay. hi weɪsts ˈlɪtəl ənd ˈbɛrli pəˈluts, ˈteɪkɪŋ ˈoʊnli wʌt hi nidz frʌm ˈneɪʧər ənd ˈlivɪŋ noʊ treɪs ʌv hɪz steɪ. 他很少浪费,几乎没有污染,只从大自然中获取他需要的东西,不留下任何他留下的痕迹。 Room Singh knows that the days of his past are drawing to a close. rum sɪŋ noʊz ðæt ðə deɪz ʌv hɪz pæst ɑr drɔɪŋ tu ə kloʊs. Room Singh 知道他过去的日子即将结束。 Finding pastures is getting harder, and his animals aren't as healthy as before. ˈfaɪndɪŋ ˈpæsʧərz ɪz ˈgɛtɪŋ ˈhɑrdər, ənd hɪz ˈænəməlz ˈɑrənt æz ˈhɛlθi æz bɪˈfɔr. 寻找牧场越来越难,他的动物也不像以前那么健康。 With their wool no longer being what it used to be, selling the Gardu blankets and shawls isn't easy. wɪð ðɛr wʊl noʊ ˈlɔŋgər biɪŋ wʌt ɪt juzd tu bi, ˈsɛlɪŋ ðə gardu* ˈblæŋkəts ənd ʃɔlz ˈɪzənt ˈizi. 由于他们的羊毛不再像以前那样,销售 Gardu 毛毯和披肩并不容易。
A Gaddi shepherd migrates to grasslands that are high up, unfit for agriculture. ə gaddi* ˈʃɛpərd ˈmaɪˌgreɪts tu ˈgræsˌlændz ðæt ɑr haɪ ʌp, ənˈfɪt fɔr ˈægrɪˌkəlʧər. 一只 Gaddi 牧羊人迁徙到高处不适合农业的草原。 Over the years, the climb has become more difficult, with old routes closing down and trees being planted on pastoral grounds. ˈoʊvər ðə jɪrz, ðə klaɪm hæz bɪˈkʌm mɔr ˈdɪfəkəlt, wɪð oʊld ruts ˈkloʊzɪŋ daʊn ənd triz biɪŋ ˈplæntəd ɑn ˈpæstərəl graʊndz. 多年来,攀登变得更加困难,旧路线关闭,树木被种植在牧场上。 The nomadic way of life of these generations of pastoral wanderers is fast disappearing. ðə noʊˈmædɪk weɪ ʌv laɪf ʌv ðiz ˌʤɛnərˈeɪʃənz ʌv ˈpæstərəl ˈwɑndərərz ɪz fæst ˌdɪsəˈpɪrɪŋ. 这几代游牧民族的游牧生活方式正在迅速消失。 Now, the young men in his village see the city as their future. naʊ, ðə jʌŋ mɛn ɪn hɪz ˈvɪləʤ si ðə ˈsɪti æz ðɛr fˈjuʧər. 现在,他村里的年轻人将城市视为他们的未来。 One of his sons is a driver, and his eldest grandchild studies at a local college. wʌn ʌv hɪz sʌnz ɪz ə ˈdraɪvər, ənd hɪz ˈɛldəst ˈgrænˌdʧaɪld ˈstʌdiz æt ə ˈloʊkəl ˈkɑlɪʤ. 他的一个儿子是一名司机,他的长孙在当地一所大学学习。 But Room Singh continues to walk to the place he feels most at home. bʌt rum sɪŋ kənˈtɪnjuz tu wɔk tu ðə pleɪs hi filz moʊst æt hoʊm. 但 Room Singh 继续步行到他觉得最自在的地方。