When Ana moved from her hometown in Goa to Mumbai, she was very excited. wɛn ˈɑnə muvd frʌm hər ˈhoʊmˌtaʊn ɪn goʊə tu ˌmʊmˈbaɪ, ʃi wɑz ˈvɛri ɪkˈsaɪtəd. 当安娜从果阿的家乡搬到孟买时,她非常兴奋。 But she was also sorry to leave her uncle, her grandmother, her friends and most of all ... bʌt ʃi wɑz ˈɔlsoʊ ˈsɑri tu liv hər ˈʌŋkəl, hər ˈgrændˌməðər, hər frɛndz ənd moʊst ʌv ɔl 但她也很遗憾离开她的叔叔、祖母、朋友,最重要的是…… Mando. mando*. 万都。 Mando was a serious dog who slept peacefully all day. mando* wɑz ə ˈsɪriəs dɔg hu slɛpt ˈpisfəli ɔl deɪ. Mando 是一只认真的狗,整天睡得很安稳。 But whenever there was a wedding in the neighbourhood, he howled woefully, until Ana's uncle stopped playing his violin! bʌt wɛˈnɛvər ðɛr wɑz ə ˈwɛdɪŋ ɪn ðə ˈneɪbərˌhʊd, hi haʊld ˈwoʊfəli, ənˈtɪl ana's* ˈʌŋkəl stɑpt pleɪɪŋ hɪz vaɪəˈlɪn! 但每当附近举行婚礼时,他都会悲痛地嚎叫,直到安娜的叔叔不再拉小提琴! Ana loved Mando. ˈɑnə lʌvd mando*. 安娜爱曼多。 She knew he would always protect her from strangers and dangers. ʃi nu hi wʊd ˈɔlˌweɪz prəˈtɛkt hər frʌm ˈstreɪnʤərz ənd ˈdeɪnʤərz. 她知道他会一直保护她免受陌生人和危险的伤害。 And from her uncle's noisy violin! ənd frʌm hər ˈʌŋkəlz ˈnɔɪzi vaɪəˈlɪn! 还有她叔叔吵闹的小提琴! Mumbai was a noisy city. ˌmʊmˈbaɪ wɑz ə ˈnɔɪzi ˈsɪti. 孟买是一座喧闹的城市。 Ana missed the sounds of the birds, the church bells and the village music. ˈɑnə mɪst ðə saʊndz ʌv ðə bərdz, ðə ʧərʧ bɛlz ənd ðə ˈvɪləʤ mˈjuzɪk. 安娜想念鸟儿的声音、教堂的钟声和乡村音乐。 The only thing she didn't miss was her uncle's violin! ðə ˈoʊnli θɪŋ ʃi ˈdɪdənt mɪs wɑz hər ˈʌŋkəlz vaɪəˈlɪn! 她唯一没有错过的,就是她舅舅的那把小提琴! Sometimes, after school, Ana would go with her father as he delivered letters and parcels. səmˈtaɪmz, ˈæftər skul, ˈɑnə wʊd goʊ wɪð hər ˈfɑðər æz hi dɪˈlɪvərd ˈlɛtərz ənd ˈpɑrsəlz. 有时,放学后,安娜会和父亲一起去送信和包裹。 Ana would wait eagerly for her ride up in the lift. ˈɑnə wʊd weɪt ˈigərli fɔr hər raɪd ʌp ɪn ðə lɪft. 安娜会热切地等待她乘电梯上楼。 One day, she sneakily pressed all the buttons. wʌn deɪ, ʃi sneakily* prɛst ɔl ðə ˈbʌtənz. 有一天,她偷偷按下了所有的按钮。 The lift opened on every floor! ðə lɪft ˈoʊpənd ɑn ˈɛvəri flɔr! 电梯在每一层都打开了! Every floor had a red speaker box on the wall. ˈɛvəri flɔr hæd ə rɛd ˈspikər bɑks ɑn ðə wɔl. 每层楼的墙上都有一个红色的音箱。 Each floor also had a strange-looking shower- head on the ceiling. iʧ flɔr ˈɔlsoʊ hæd ə strange-looking* ʃaʊər- hɛd ɑn ðə ˈsilɪŋ. 每层楼的天花板上都有一个看起来很奇怪的淋浴喷头。 'Who would want to take a bath here?' she wondered. 'hu wʊd wɑnt tu teɪk ə bæθ hir?' ʃi ˈwʌndərd. “谁会想在这里洗澡?”她想知道。 Ana tried to figure things out. ˈɑnə traɪd tu ˈfɪgjər θɪŋz aʊt. 安娜试图弄清楚事情的经过。 The red speaker box never played any music. ðə rɛd ˈspikər bɑks ˈnɛvər pleɪd ˈɛni mˈjuzɪk. 红色音箱从不播放任何音乐。 And the shower? ənd ðə ʃaʊər? 淋浴呢? Not a drop of water ever dripped from it. nɑt ə drɑp ʌv ˈwɔtər ˈɛvər drɪpt frʌm ɪt. 从来没有滴过一滴水。 It did not even have a tap! ɪt dɪd nɑt ˈivɪn hæv ə tæp! 它甚至没有水龙头! One afternoon, while Ana and her father were on the fifth floor at Manju Aaji's door, they heard the most horrible wailing. wʌn ˌæftərˈnun, waɪl ˈɑnə ənd hər ˈfɑðər wər ɑn ðə fɪfθ flɔr æt manju* aaji's* dɔr, ðeɪ hərd ðə moʊst ˈhɔrəbəl ˈweɪlɪŋ. 一天下午,当安娜和她的父亲在五楼的 Manju Aaji 门口时,他们听到了最可怕的哭声。 "Papa, what's that terrible noise?" "ˈpɑˌpə, wʌts ðæt ˈtɛrəbəl nɔɪz?" “爸爸,这是什么可怕的声音?” "I think that's the fire alarm, Ana. "aɪ θɪŋk ðæts ðə faɪər əˈlɑrm, ˈɑnə. “我想那是火警,安娜。 Come, we must get to the fire escape floor immediately." kʌm, wi mʌst gɛt tu ðə faɪər ɪˈskeɪp flɔr ˌɪˈmiˌdiətli." 来,我们必须马上到防火梯层去。” Ana looked at all the people who had rushed to the safety point. ˈɑnə lʊkt æt ɔl ðə ˈpipəl hu hæd rʌʃt tu ðə ˈseɪfti pɔɪnt. 安娜看着所有赶到安全点的人。 "Don't worry Ana, it's a very small fire on the second floor. "doʊnt ˈwəri ˈɑnə, ɪts ə ˈvɛri smɔl faɪər ɑn ðə ˈsɛkənd flɔr. “安娜别担心,二楼的火很小。 Do you hear that siren? du ju hir ðæt ˈsaɪrən? 你听到警笛声了吗? That's the fire engine - it's here to help us." ðæts ðə faɪər ˈɛnʤən ɪts hir tu hɛlp ʌs." 那是消防车——它是来帮助我们的。” Suddenly, the strange shower began to spray water all around. ˈsʌdənli, ðə streɪnʤ ʃaʊər bɪˈgæn tu spreɪ ˈwɔtər ɔl əraʊnd. 突然,诡异的阵雨开始向四周喷水。 Oh, and who was that in the corner? oʊ, ənd hu wɑz ðæt ɪn ðə ˈkɔrnər? 哦,角落里的那个人是谁? Manju Aaji's kitten! manju* aaji's* ˈkɪtən! Manju Aaji's kitten! She was terrified of the fire and the water. ʃi wɑz ˈtɛrəˌfaɪd ʌv ðə faɪər ənd ðə ˈwɔtər. 她害怕火和水。 The sight of the helpless little kitten made Ana feel brave. ðə saɪt ʌv ðə ˈhɛlpləs ˈlɪtəl ˈkɪtən meɪd ˈɑnə fil breɪv. 看到那只无助的小猫,安娜感到很勇敢。 She dashed to its rescue. ʃi dæʃt tu ɪts ˈrɛskju. 她冲过去救了它。 Now that she had gathered some courage, she asked, "How did the shower come on, Papa?" naʊ ðæt ʃi hæd ˈgæðərd sʌm kərɪʤ, ʃi æskt, "haʊ dɪd ðə ʃaʊər kʌm ɑn, ˈpɑˌpə?" 现在她鼓起勇气,问道:“爸爸,淋浴是怎么来的?” "These are fire sprinklers, Ana. "ðiz ɑr faɪər ˈsprɪŋklərz, ˈɑnə. “这些是消防喷头,安娜。 When there is a fire, they turn on automatically," her father said. wɛn ðɛr ɪz ə faɪər, ðeɪ tərn ɑn ˌɔtəˈmætɪkli," hər ˈfɑðər sɛd. 当发生火灾时,它们会自动打开,”她的父亲说。 "But where is the tap, Papa?" "bʌt wɛr ɪz ðə tæp, ˈpɑˌpə?" “可是水龙头在哪儿呢,爸爸?” she asked again. ʃi æskt əˈgɛn. 她又问。 Ana's father looked at the sprinkler. ana's* ˈfɑðər lʊkt æt ðə ˈsprɪŋklər. 安娜的父亲看着洒水装置。 He wasn't sure. hi ˈwɑzənt ʃʊr. 他不确定。 "There is no tap, Ana," said Manju Aaji. "ðɛr ɪz noʊ tæp, ˈɑnə," sɛd manju* aaji*. “没有水龙头,安娜,”Manju Aaji 说。 "That red pipe is always full of water and is plugged tight with a bulb. "ðæt rɛd paɪp ɪz ˈɔlˌweɪz fʊl ʌv ˈwɔtər ənd ɪz plʌgd taɪt wɪð ə bʌlb. “那根红色的管子总是装满水,并用灯泡塞紧。 When there's a fire nearby, the bulb heats up and bursts. wɛn ðɛrz ə faɪər ˈnɪrˈbaɪ, ðə bʌlb hits ʌp ənd bərsts. 当附近发生火灾时,灯泡会升温并爆裂。 So the water comes rushing out." soʊ ðə ˈwɔtər kʌmz ˈrʌʃɪŋ aʊt." 所以水就涌出来了。” "Ah," said Papa, who had just learnt something. "ɑ," sɛd ˈpɑˌpə, hu hæd ʤʌst lərnt ˈsʌmθɪŋ. “啊,”刚刚知道了什么的爸爸说。
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP ... bip bip bip bip 哔哔哔哔哔... A large white ladder rose up right in front of them. ə lɑrʤ waɪt ˈlædər roʊz ʌp raɪt ɪn frʌnt ʌv ðɛm. 一架巨大的白色梯子就在他们面前升起。 "Families with children and the elderly, please," a fireman announced into his horn. "ˈfæməliz wɪð ˈʧɪldrən ənd ðə ˈɛldərli, pliz," ə ˈfaɪrmən əˈnaʊnst ˈɪntu hɪz hɔrn. “请带小孩和老人的家庭,”一名消防员按喇叭宣布。 As they climbed onto the fire lift, Manju Aaji clutched Ana's hand, and shut her eyes tight. æz ðeɪ klaɪmd ˈɑntu ðə faɪər lɪft, manju* aaji* klʌʧt ana's* hænd, ənd ʃʌt hər aɪz taɪt. 当他们爬上消防电梯时,Manju Aaji 抓住了 Ana 的手,紧紧地闭上了眼睛。 But Ana kept her eyes wide open. bʌt ˈɑnə kɛpt hər aɪz waɪd ˈoʊpən. 但安娜一直睁大眼睛。 "You were a brave girl today, Ana," her father said proudly. "ju wər ə breɪv gərl təˈdeɪ, ˈɑnə," hər ˈfɑðər sɛd ˈpraʊdli. “你今天是个勇敢的女孩,安娜,”她父亲自豪地说。 "Did the fire alarm scare you?" "dɪd ðə faɪər əˈlɑrm skɛr ju?" “火警有没有吓到你?” Ana hugged him and nodded. ˈɑnə hʌgd hɪm ənd ˈnɑdəd. 安娜拥抱了他,点了点头。 "The fire alarm saved us all today, you know? "ðə faɪər əˈlɑrm seɪvd ʌs ɔl təˈdeɪ, ju noʊ? “今天火警救了我们所有人,你知道吗? It's a good thing," he said softly. ɪts ə gʊd θɪŋ," hi sɛd ˈsɔftli. 这是一件好事,”他轻声说。 "It's a bit like Mando, Papa," Ana whispered back. "ɪts ə bɪt laɪk mando*, ˈpɑˌpə," ˈɑnə ˈwɪspərd bæk. “这有点像 Mando,爸爸,”Ana 低声回答。 Her father looked puzzled. hər ˈfɑðər lʊkt ˈpʌzəld. 她的父亲看起来很困惑。 "The fire alarm is quiet every day. "ðə faɪər əˈlɑrm ɪz kwaɪət ˈɛvəri deɪ. “火警每天都很安静。 It only makes noise to save us from trouble." ɪt ˈoʊnli meɪks nɔɪz tu seɪv ʌs frʌm ˈtrʌbəl." 它只是为了让我们免于麻烦而发出噪音。” Technology helps us in many ways. tɛkˈnɑləʤi hɛlps ʌs ɪn ˈmɛni weɪz. 技术在很多方面帮助了我们。 During a fire, the automatic fire systems in schools, cinema halls and other buildings save our lives. ˈdʊrɪŋ ə faɪər, ðə ˌɔtəˈmætɪk faɪər ˈsɪstəmz ɪn skulz, ˈsɪnəmə hɔlz ənd ˈʌðər ˈbɪldɪŋz seɪv aʊər lɪvz. 发生火灾时,学校、电影院和其他建筑物中的自动消防系统可以挽救我们的生命。 Here are some things we should do when we hear a fire alarm: 1. hir ɑr sʌm θɪŋz wi ʃʊd du wɛn wi hir ə faɪər əˈlɑrm: 1 当我们听到火灾警报时,我们应该做以下事情: 1. Get up calmly and walk towards the nearest fire exit at a steady pace. gɛt ʌp ˈkɑmli ənd wɔk təˈwɔrdz ðə ˈnɪrəst faɪər ˈɛgzɪt æt ə ˈstɛdi peɪs. 平静地起身,以稳定的步伐走向最近的消防出口。 Do not take the lift as lifts are usually disabled during a fire. du nɑt teɪk ðə lɪft æz lɪfts ɑr ˈjuʒəwəli dɪˈseɪbəld ˈdʊrɪŋ ə faɪər. 不要乘坐电梯,因为火灾期间电梯通常会停用。 2. 2 2. Running will make you inhale more smoke or may cause an accident or stampede. ˈrʌnɪŋ wɪl meɪk ju ˌɪnˈheɪl mɔr smoʊk ɔr meɪ kɑz æn ˈæksədənt ɔr stæmˈpid. 跑步会使您吸入更多烟雾,或可能导致事故或踩踏。 So do not run; walk fast. soʊ du nɑt rʌn; wɔk fæst. 所以不要跑;快走。 If possible, cover your face with a wet towel. ɪf ˈpɑsəbəl, ˈkʌvər jɔr feɪs wɪð ə wɛt taʊəl. 如果可能,用湿毛巾盖住脸。 3. 3 3. Do not throw any water at the fire as this could make the fire spread or cause electrocution. du nɑt θroʊ ˈɛni ˈwɔtər æt ðə faɪər æz ðɪs kʊd meɪk ðə faɪər sprɛd ɔr kɑz ˌɪˌlɛktrəˈkjuʃən. 不要向火上泼水,因为这可能会使火势蔓延或导致触电。 4. 4 4. Ask a grown-up to switch off the electrical main switch. æsk ə ˈgroʊˌnəp tu swɪʧ ɔf ðə ɪˈlɛktrɪkəl meɪn swɪʧ. 请大人关掉电源总开关。 Do not touch any electrical appliances or switches. du nɑt tʌʧ ˈɛni ɪˈlɛktrɪkəl əˈplaɪənsɪz ɔr sˈwɪʧəz. 不要触摸任何电器或开关。 5. 5 5. If the exit way is filled with smoke it is better to crawl or creep out so that you inhale less smoke. ɪf ðə ˈɛgzɪt weɪ ɪz fɪld wɪð smoʊk ɪt ɪz ˈbɛtər tu krɔl ɔr krip aʊt soʊ ðæt ju ˌɪnˈheɪl lɛs smoʊk. 如果出口处充满烟雾,最好爬行或爬出,以减少吸入的烟雾。 6. 6 6. Once out of the building, walk towards the nearest fire assembly point or safe open area. wʌns aʊt ʌv ðə ˈbɪldɪŋ, wɔk təˈwɔrdz ðə ˈnɪrəst faɪər əˈsɛmbli pɔɪnt ɔr seɪf ˈoʊpən ˈɛriə. 离开大楼后,走向最近的消防集合点或安全开放区域。 7. 7 7. Wait in one place until your family member or caretaker has found you. weɪt ɪn wʌn pleɪs ənˈtɪl jɔr ˈfæməli ˈmɛmbər ɔr ˈkɛrˌteɪkər hæz faʊnd ju. 在一个地方等待,直到您的家人或看护人找到您。 8. 8 8. If you are injured, request the nearest grown-up for help. ɪf ju ɑr ˈɪnʤərd, rɪkˈwɛst ðə ˈnɪrəst ˈgroʊˌnəp fɔr hɛlp. 如果您受伤了,请向最近的成年人寻求帮助。