Baeletsi Tsatsi Ndumiso Nyoni Bianca Wiesner Auntie Boi's Gift baeletsi* tsatsi* ndumiso* nyoni* biˈɑŋkə ˈwiznər ˈænti boi's* gɪft Baeletsi Tsatsi Ndumiso Nyoni Bianca Wiesner Boi 阿姨的礼物 This book belongs to Auntie Boi's Gift ðɪs bʊk bɪˈlɔŋz tu ˈænti boi's* gɪft 这本书属于博伊阿姨的礼物
Kopano and Rea are going to town for the first time ever! kopano* ənd reɪ ɑr goʊɪŋ tu taʊn fɔr ðə fərst taɪm ˈɛvər! Kopano 和 Rea 有史以来第一次去镇上! "Remember to fasten your seatbelts," Mama says. "rɪˈmɛmbər tu ˈfæsən jɔr ˈsitˌbɛlts," ˈmɑmə sɛz. “记得系好安全带,”妈妈说。 "Auntie Boi has sent you girls a gift and we're going to collect it at the big post office in town." "ˈænti boi* hæz sɛnt ju gərlz ə gɪft ənd wir goʊɪŋ tu kəˈlɛkt ɪt æt ðə bɪg poʊst ˈɔfəs ɪn taʊn." “波阿姨给姑娘们送了礼物,我们去镇上的大邮局领取。” "We can't wait to see the gift Mama," the girls say and off they go. "wi kænt weɪt tu si ðə gɪft ˈmɑmə," ðə gərlz seɪ ənd ɔf ðeɪ goʊ. “我们迫不及待地想看到礼物妈妈,”女孩们说完就走了。 "The Nelson Mandela Bridge leads us into town," Mama says. "ðə ˈnɛlsən ˌmænˈdɛlə brɪʤ lidz ʌs ˈɪntu taʊn," ˈmɑmə sɛz. “纳尔逊·曼德拉大桥带领我们进城,”妈妈说。 "Mhhmm, Nelson Mandela Bridge," Kopano says. "mhhmm*, ˈnɛlsən ˌmænˈdɛlə brɪʤ," kopano* sɛz. “嗯嗯,纳尔逊·曼德拉大桥,”科帕诺说。 "Look," Rea says to Kopano, "so many tall buildings." "lʊk," reɪ sɛz tu kopano*, "soʊ ˈmɛni tɔl ˈbɪldɪŋz." “看,”雷亚对科帕诺说,“这么多高楼。” "Mhhmm, do you think our gift is tall too Rea?" "mhhmm*, du ju θɪŋk aʊər gɪft ɪz tɔl tu reɪ?" “嗯哼,你是不是觉得我们的礼物Rea太高了?” Kopano asks. kopano* æsks. 科帕诺问道。 "Look," Kopano says to Rea, "so many fruits and vegetables." "lʊk," kopano* sɛz tu reɪ, "soʊ ˈmɛni fruts ənd ˈvɛʤtəbəlz." “看,”科帕诺对雷亚说,“这么多水果和蔬菜。” "Mhhmm, do you think our gift tastes yummy?" "mhhmm*, du ju θɪŋk aʊər gɪft teɪsts ˈjʌmi?" “嗯嗯,你觉得我们的礼物好吃吗?” Rea asks Kopano. reɪ æsks kopano*. Rea 问 Kopano。 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES fruts ənd ˈvɛʤtəbəlz 水果和蔬菜 "Look," Rea says to Kopano, "traditional clothes!" "lʊk," reɪ sɛz tu kopano*, "trəˈdɪʃənəl kloʊðz!" “看,”雷亚对科帕诺说,“传统服装!” "Mhhmm, do you think Auntie Boi bought us traditional clothes?" "mhhmm*, du ju θɪŋk ˈænti boi* bɑt ʌs trəˈdɪʃənəl kloʊðz?" “嗯嗯,你说boi阿姨会给我们买传统的衣服吗?” Kopano asks. kopano* æsks. 科帕诺问道。 OPEN ˈoʊpən 打开 "Wow, it's like one big party," Kopano and Rea say. "waʊ, ɪts laɪk wʌn bɪg ˈpɑrti," kopano* ənd reɪ seɪ. “哇,这就像一场盛大的派对,”Kopano 和 Rea 说。 "Maybe your gift sings a loud song," Mama says smiling. "ˈmeɪbi jɔr gɪft sɪŋz ə laʊd sɔŋ," ˈmɑmə sɛz sˈmaɪlɪŋ. “也许你的礼物会唱一首响亮的歌,”妈妈笑着说。 "Mhhmm, we love loud songs," the girls say. "mhhmm*, wi lʌv laʊd sɔŋz," ðə gərlz seɪ. “嗯嗯,我们喜欢响亮的歌曲,”女孩们说。 OPEN ˈoʊpən 打开 "We are here!" "wi ɑr hir!" “我们在这儿!” Mama says. ˈmɑmə sɛz. 妈妈说。 POST OFFICE OPEN poʊst ˈɔfəs ˈoʊpən 邮局营业 SHAKE! ʃeɪk! 摇! SHAKE! ʃeɪk! 摇! SHAKE! ʃeɪk! 摇! RATTLE! ˈrætəl! 嘎嘎! "Do you think it's tall like the buildings we saw?" "du ju θɪŋk ɪts tɔl laɪk ðə ˈbɪldɪŋz wi sɔ?" “你觉得它和我们看到的建筑物一样高吗?” Rea asks. reɪ æsks. 雷亚问道。 "No," Kopano says. "noʊ," kopano* sɛz. “不,”科帕诺说。 Rea takes the box and smells it. reɪ teɪks ðə bɑks ənd smɛlz ɪt. Rea 拿起盒子闻了闻。 "Do you think it tastes yummy like the fruit and veg we saw?" "du ju θɪŋk ɪt teɪsts ˈjʌmi laɪk ðə frut ənd veg* wi sɔ?" “你觉得它像我们看到的水果和蔬菜一样好吃吗?” "No," Rea says. "noʊ," reɪ sɛz. “不,”雷亚说。 Kopano shakes the box again. kopano* ʃeɪks ðə bɑks əˈgɛn. 科帕诺又摇了摇盒子。 "It doesn't make a loud noise like the speakers we passed." "ɪt ˈdʌzənt meɪk ə laʊd nɔɪz laɪk ðə ˈspikərz wi pæst." “它不会像我们经过的扬声器那样发出很大的噪音。” "And I don't think it's traditional clothes either," Rea says. "ənd aɪ doʊnt θɪŋk ɪts trəˈdɪʃənəl kloʊðz ˈiðər," reɪ sɛz. “我也不认为这是传统服装,”雷亚说。 Kopano and Rea sit down right there on the floor of the post office and open the box. kopano* ənd reɪ sɪt daʊn raɪt ðɛr ɑn ðə flɔr ʌv ðə poʊst ˈɔfəs ənd ˈoʊpən ðə bɑks. Kopano 和 Rea 就在邮局的地板上坐下,打开盒子。 "Those are Maasai dolls," Mama says to the girls. "ðoʊz ɑr maasai* dɑlz," ˈmɑmə sɛz tu ðə gərlz. “那些是马赛娃娃,”妈妈对女孩们说。 "Maasai dolls from Kenya," Kopano says. "maasai* dɑlz frʌm ˈkɛnjə," kopano* sɛz. “来自肯尼亚的马赛娃娃,”科帕诺说。 "We love these dolls!" "wi lʌv ðiz dɑlz!" “我们喜欢这些娃娃!” Rea says. reɪ sɛz. 雷亚说。 Mama takes a picture of the girls and sends it to Auntie Boi. ˈmɑmə teɪks ə ˈpɪkʧər ʌv ðə gərlz ənd sɛndz ɪt tu ˈænti boi*. 妈妈给女孩们拍了张照片,然后发给了 Boi 阿姨。