Show Pīnyīn
idiom_story 成语故事 Chéngyǔ gùshì
- 1 打草惊蛇的故事 dǎ cǎo jīng shé de gù shì--------Frighten the snake
- 2 刮骨疗毒的故事 guā gǔ liáo dú de gù shì--------Scraping bones to cure poison
- 3 以逸待劳的故事 yǐ yì dài láo de gù shì--------wait for work
- 4 寓言盲人摸象的故事 yù yán máng rén mō xiàng de gù shì--------The blind man feels the elephant
- 5 劳而无功 láo ér wú gōng--------To no avail
- 6 老当益壮 lǎo dāng yì zhuàng--------old and strong
- 7 老牛舐犊 lǎo niú shì dú--------old cow
- 8 老生常谈 lǎo shēng cháng tán--------commonplace
- 9 老妪能解 lǎo yù néng jiě--------Old woman can understand
- 10 论功行赏 lùn gōng xíng shǎng--------meritorious deeds
- 11 两败俱伤 liǎng bài jù shāng--------lose-lose
- 12 犬牙交错 quǎn yá jiāo cuò--------dog-tooth
- 13 一木难支 yī mù nán zhī--------Hard to support
- 14 一事无成 yī shì wú chéng--------get nothing done
- 15 一暴十寒 yī bào shí hán--------One storm ten cold
- 16 一饭千金 yī fàn qiān jīn--------A meal is worth a thousand dollars
- 17 不入虎穴,不得虎子 bù rù hǔ xué , bù dé hǔ zǐ--------If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get cubs
- 18 之乎者也 zhī hū zhě yě--------whoever
- 19 约法三章 yuē fǎ sān zhāng--------three chapters
- 20 月下老人 yuè xià lǎo rén--------old man under the moon
- 21 羽毛未丰 yǔ máo wèi fēng--------fledgling
- 22 有名无实 yǒu míng wú shí--------in name only
- 23 以身试法 yǐ shēn shì fǎ--------defy the law
- 24 一衣带水 yī yī dài shuǐ--------strip of water
- 25 一问三不知 yī wèn sān bù zhī--------Ask three questions
- 26 一丝不苟 yī sī bù gǒu--------Meticulous
- 27 一日千里 yī rì qiān lǐ--------Thousands of miles a day
- 28 一窍不通 yī qiào bù tōng--------know nothing
- 29 一丘之貉 yī qiū zhī hé--------raccoon dog
- 30 一钱不值 yī qián bù zhí--------worthless
- 31 一毛不拔 yī máo bù bá--------stingy
- 32 一发千钧 yī fā qiān jūn--------close call
- 33 一败涂地 yī bài tú dì--------crushing defeat
- 34 一代楷模 yī dài kǎi mó--------A role model
- 35 有备无患 yǒu bèi wú huàn--------be prepared
- 36 小时了了 xiǎo shí le le--------hour
- 37 朽木不可雕 xiǔ mù bù kě diāo--------rotten wood cannot be carved
- 38 栩栩如生 xǔ xǔ rú shēng--------lifelike
- 39 胸有成竹 xiōng yǒu chéng zhú--------confident
- 40 休戚相关 xiū qī xiāng guān--------Solidarity
- 41 小心翼翼 xiǎo xīn yì yì--------carefully
- 42 兴高采烈 xīng gāo cǎi liè--------elated
- 43 先声夺人 xiān shēng duó rén--------head start
- 44 望洋兴叹 wàng yáng xīng tàn--------Overwhelmed
- 45 妄自尊大 wàng zì zūn dà--------self-importance
- 46 万死不辞 wàn sǐ bù cí--------death penalty
- 47 土崩瓦解 tǔ bēng wǎ jiě--------fall apart
- 48 退避三舍 tuì bì sān shè--------stay away
- 49 天真烂漫 tiān zhēn làn màn--------Naivety
- 50 天涯海角 tiān yá hǎi jiǎo--------ends of the earth
- 51 天经地义 tiān jīng dì yì--------Take it for granted
- 52 上下其手 shàng xià qí shǒu--------up and down
- 53 太公钓鱼 tài gōng diào yú--------Taigong Fishing
- 54 三折其肱 sān zhé qí gōng--------Trifold
- 55 尸位素餐 shī wèi sù cān--------Vegetarian Meal
- 56 四海之内皆兄弟 sì hǎi zhī nèi jiē xiōng dì--------All Men Are Brothers
- 57 水深火热 shuǐ shēn huǒ rè--------dire straits
- 58 势如破竹 shì rú pò zhú--------overwhelming
- 59 士别三日 shì bié sān rì--------three days
- 60 伤风败俗 shāng fēng bài sú--------Indecent
- 61 三生有幸 sān shēng yǒu xìng--------Sansheng is lucky
- 62 入吾彀中 rù wú gòu zhōng--------into my nest
- 63 人言可畏 rén yán kě wèi--------awesome
- 64 人非圣贤孰能无过 rén fēi shèng xián shú néng wú guò--------People can not escape from doing wrong
- 65 人杰地灵 rén jié dì líng--------outstanding
- 66 千载难逢 qiān zài nán féng--------once in a lifetime
- 67 千变万化 qiān biàn wàn huà--------ever-changing
- 68 千金买邻 qiān jīn mǎi lín--------Thousands of dollars to buy neighbors
- 69 气壮山河 qì zhuàng shān hé--------magnificent
- 70 披荆斩棘 pī jīng zhǎn jí--------overcoming obstacles
- 71 破釜沉舟 pò fǔ chén zhōu--------burn one's boats
- 72 内助之贤 nèi zhù zhī xián--------Helper
- 73 弄巧成拙 nòng qiǎo chéng zhuó--------self-defeating
- 74 门庭若市 mén tíng ruò shì--------crowded city
- 75 八面威风 bā miàn wēi fēng--------Prestige
- 76 拔帜易帜 bá zhì yì zhì--------change flag
- 77 白面书生 bái miàn shū shēng--------white-faced scholar
- 78 白头如新 bái tóu rú xīn--------look new
- 79 百折不挠 bǎi zhé bù náo--------indomitable
- 80 百丈竿头 bǎi zhàng gān tóu--------Baizhanggantou
- 81 必恭必敬 bì gōng bì jìng--------reverent and respectful
- 82 髀肉复生 bì ròu fù shēng--------Rebirth of Thighs
- 83 别有天地 bié yǒu tiān dì--------another world
- 84 兵贵神速 bīng guì shén sù--------Bing is expensive and fast
- 85 博而不精 bó ér bù jīng--------Bo but not fine
- 86 捕风捉影 bǔ fēng zhuō yǐng--------Suspicion
- 87 不寒而栗 bù hán ér lì--------shudder
- 88 不得要领 bù dé yào lǐng--------miss the point
- 89 不合时宜 bù hé shí yí--------untimely
- 90 不拘一格 bù jū yī gé--------eclectic
- 91 不堪回首 bù kān huí shǒu--------Can't bear to look back
- 92 不可多得 bù kě duō dé--------rare
- 93 不可同日而语 bù kě tóng rì ér yǔ--------different
- 94 不伦不类 bù lún bù lèi--------nondescript
- 95 不屈不挠 bù qū bù náo--------indomitable
- 96 不贪为宝 bù tān wèi bǎo--------not greedy for treasure
- 97 不为五斗米折腰 bù wèi wǔ dǒu mǐ zhé yāo--------Don't bow down for five buckets of rice
- 98 不遗余力 bù yí yú lì--------spare no effort
- 99 不因人热 bù yīn rén rè--------Not because of people's heat
- 100 不远千里 bù yuǎn qiān lǐ--------not far away
- 101 不自量力 bù zì liàng lì--------overreaching
- 102 才高八斗 cái gāo bā dǒu--------Talented
- 103 残杯冷炙 cán bēi lěng zhì--------Remnant Cup Cold Sunburn
- 104 草菅人命 cǎo jiān rén mìng--------Disregard human life
- 105 草木皆兵 cǎo mù jiē bīng--------All trees and trees are soldiers
- 106 长驱直入 cháng qū zhí rù--------long drive
- 107 车载斗量 chē zài dǒu liàng--------Vehicle capacity
- 108 城狐社鼠 chéng hú shè shǔ--------City fox and mouse
- 109 乘人之危 chéng rén zhī wēi--------take advantage of others
- 110 大笔如椽 dà bǐ rú chuán--------big pens
- 111 大材小用 dà cái xiǎo yòng--------Overkill
- 112 大腹便便 dà fù biàn biàn--------potbellied
- 113 大逆不道 dà nì bù dào--------Treason
- 114 当局者迷 dāng jú zhě mí--------Authorities fans
- 115 当务之急 dāng wù zhī jí--------top priority
- 116 雕虫小技 diāo chóng xiǎo jì--------Small tricks
- 117 发奸擿伏 fā jiān zhí fú--------Rape and ambush
- 118 发蒙振落 fā méng zhèn luò--------Shake it off
- 119 罚不当罪 fá bù dāng zuì--------Improper punishment
- 120 防微杜渐 fáng wēi dù jiàn--------Prevention
- 121 分崩离析 fēn bēng lí xī--------falling apart
- 122 分道扬镳 fēn dào yáng biāo--------Parted ways
- 123 分庭抗礼 fēn tíng kàng lǐ--------stand against court
- 124 孟尝君的高枕无忧 mèng cháng jūn de gāo zhěn wú yōu--------Meng Changjun's peace of mind
- 125 赴汤蹈火 fù tāng dǎo huǒ--------go through fire and water
- 126 负重致远 fù zhòng zhì yuǎn--------Go far
- 127 负隅顽抗 fù yú wán kàng--------Recalcitrant
- 128 奉公守法 fèng gōng shǒu fǎ--------Law-abiding
- 129 各自为政 gè zì wèi zhèng--------Separate
- 130 管鲍之交 guǎn bào zhī jiāo--------The acquaintance of Guan Bao
- 131 汗流浃背 hàn liú jiá bèi--------sweaty
- 132 沆瀣一气 háng xiè yī qì--------gang up
- 133 合浦珠还 hé pǔ zhū huán--------Hepu Pearl Return
- 134 后生可畏 hòu shēng kě wèi--------Formidable young
- 135 华而不实 huá ér bù shí--------flashy
- 136 火树银花 huǒ shù yín huā--------fire tree silver flower
- 137 坚壁清野 jiān bì qīng yě--------Strong wall and clear field
- 138 间不容发 jiān bù róng fā--------no time
- 139 见猎心喜 jiàn liè xīn xǐ--------happy to see you
- 140 胶漆相投 jiāo qī xiāng tóu--------Congenial
- 141 举一反三 jǔ yī fǎn sān--------learn by analogy
- 142 开卷有益 kāi juàn yǒu yì--------Open book is beneficial
- 143 开门揖盗 kāi mén yī dào--------open the door to steal
- 144 侃侃而谈 kǎn kǎn ér tán--------talk eloquently
- 145 克已奉公 kè yǐ fèng gōng--------Ke has served the public
- 146 空洞无物 kōng dòng wú wù--------empty
- 147 空前绝后 kōng qián jué hòu--------unprecedented
- 148 口蜜腹剑 kǒu mì fù jiàn--------honey belly sword
- 149 口若悬河 kǒu ruò xuán hé--------Eloquent
- 150 脍炙人口 kuài zhì rén kǒu--------popular
- 151 旷日持久 kuàng rì chí jiǔ--------protracted
- 152 困兽犹斗 kùn shòu yóu dǒu--------Difficult to fight
- 153 狼狈不堪 láng bèi bù kān--------embarrassed
- 154 狼子野心 láng zǐ yě xīn--------wild ambition
- 155 东坡画扇 dōng pō huà shàn--------Dongpo painting fan
- 156 失斧疑邻 shī fǔ yí lín--------Suspicious Neighbors
- 157 千里之行,始于足下 qiān lǐ zhī xíng , shǐ yú zú xià--------A thousand miles begins with a single step
- 158 出人头地 chū rén tóu dì--------To succeed
- 159 入木三分 rù mù sān fēn--------penetrating
- 160 鸿雁传书 hóng yàn chuán shū--------Swan Goose Biography
- 161 李代桃僵 lǐ dài táo jiāng--------Li Daitao stiff
- 162 置之度外 zhì zhī dù wài--------disregard
- 163 人心如面 rén xīn rú miàn--------people like face
- 164 奴颜婢膝 nú yán bì xī--------subservient
- 165 一寒如此 yī hán rú cǐ--------so cold
- 166 运筹帷幄 yùn chóu wéi wò--------Strategize
- 167 专心致志 zhuān xīn zhì zhì--------Concentrate on
- 168 小巫遇见大巫 xiǎo wū yù jiàn dà wū--------little witch meets big witch
- 169 人死留名 rén sǐ liú míng--------leave a name
- 170 人人自危 rén rén zì wēi--------Everyone is at risk
- 171 生灵涂炭 shēng líng tú tàn--------Charcoal life
- 172 桃李满门 táo lǐ mǎn mén--------Full of peaches and plums
- 173 不足为外人道 bù zú wèi wài rén dào--------inhumane
- 174 不甚了了 bù shén le le--------don't know much
- 175 方寸之地 fāng cùn zhī dì--------square inch
- 176 见利忘义 jiàn lì wàng yì--------see profit
- 177 比肩接踵 bǐ jiān jiē zhǒng--------shoulder to shoulder
- 178 胶柱鼓瑟 jiāo zhù gǔ sè--------Glue drum
- 179 家喻户晓 jiā yù hù xiǎo--------household name
- 180 别无长物 bié wú cháng wù--------nothing else
- 181 偃旗息鼓 yǎn qí xī gǔ--------die down
- 182 如坐针毡 rú zuò zhēn zhān--------sitting on pins and needles
- 183 乌合之众 wū hé zhī zhòng--------mob
- 184 一曝十寒 yī pù shí hán--------one exposure ten cold
- 185 下笔成章 xià bǐ chéng zhāng--------pen to paper
- 186 兵不厌诈 bīng bù yàn zhà--------Soldiers never tire of cheating
- 187 鹏程万里 péng chéng wàn lǐ--------Pengcheng Miles
- 188 桃李不言,下自成蹊 táo lǐ bù yán , xià zì chéng xī--------Peaches and plums, the next from Seikei
- 189 仙人指路 xiān rén zhǐ lù--------fairy guide
- 190 剖腹藏珠 pōu fù cáng zhū--------laparoscopic Tibetan pearl
- 191 纸醉金迷 zhǐ zuì jīn mí--------Luxembourg
- 192 风马牛不相及 fēng mǎ niú bù xiāng jí--------Horses and cows are irrelevant
- 193 黄羊举贤 huáng yáng jǔ xián--------Huangyang Juxian
- 194 入室操戈 rù shì cāo gē--------housebreaking
- 195 运斤成风 yùn jīn chéng fēng--------Lucky luck
- 196 千虑一得 qiān lǜ yī dé--------All things considered
- 197 海角天涯 hǎi jiǎo tiān yá--------End of the World
- 198 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全 níng wèi yù suì , bù wèi wǎ quán--------Rather Stick to your guns
- 199 手不释卷 shǒu bù shì juàn--------Can't put it down
- 200 使酒骂座 shǐ jiǔ mà zuò--------Make wine scold
- 201 天道酬勤 tiān dào chóu qín--------God rewards work
- 202 南阳三葛 nán yáng sān gé--------Nanyang Sange
- 203 舍生取义 shè shēng qǔ yì--------sacrifice one's life for righteousness
- 204 礼轻人意重 lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng--------Courtesy is light and people are important
- 205 出污泥而不染 chū wū ní ér bù rǎn--------Out of the mud but not stained
- 206 量力而为 liàng lì ér wèi--------just do you best
- 207 滔滔不竭 tāo tāo bù jié--------gushing
- 208 画虎成狗 huà hǔ chéng gǒu--------draw a tiger into a dog
- 209 随遇而安 suí yù ér ān--------go with the flow
- 210 急功近利 jí gōng jìn lì--------quick success
- 211 按兵不动 àn bīng bù dòng--------stand still
- 212 寒酸落魄 hán suān luò pò--------shabby
- 213 负薪挂角 fù xīn guà jiǎo--------negative salary
- 214 苏秦刺股 sū qín cì gǔ--------Su Qin stabs the stock
- 215 反复推敲 fǎn fù tuī qiāo--------scrutiny
- 216 外强中干 wài qiáng zhōng gān--------Strong outside but dry in the middle
- 217 生吞活剥 shēng tūn huó bō--------Eat it alive
- 218 竹林七贤 zhú lín qī xián--------Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove
- 219 高阳酒徒 gāo yáng jiǔ tú--------Goyang Alcoholics
- 220 酒池肉林 jiǔ chí ròu lín--------Jiuchi meat forest
- 221 万事俱备,只欠东风 wàn shì jù bèi , zhǐ qiàn dōng fēng--------All is ready except for the opportunity
- 222 惟命是从 wéi mìng shì cóng--------obedience
- 223 倚门倚闾 yǐ mén yǐ lǘ--------Leaning on the door and leaning on the Lu
- 224 醉翁之意不在酒 zuì wēng zhī yì bù zài jiǔ--------Drunkards don't want to drink
- 225 有脚阳春 yǒu jiǎo yáng chūn--------legged spring
- 226 无功受禄 wú gōng shòu lù--------Rewarded for nothing
- 227 呕心沥血 ōu xīn lì xiě--------painstakingly
- 228 高枕无忧 gāo zhěn wú yōu--------sit back and relax
- 229 矮子看戏 ǎi zǐ kàn xì--------dwarf watching a play
- 230 安居乐业 ān jū lè yè--------Live and work in peace
- 231 安如泰山 ān rú tài shān--------An Rutai Mountain
- 232 后起之秀 hòu qǐ zhī xiù--------rising star
- 233 汗流夹背 hàn liú jiā bèi--------Sweating
- 234 覆水难收 fù shuǐ nán shōu--------Overwhelmed
- 235 病入膏肓 bìng rù gāo huāng--------Terminally ill
- 236 冰山难靠 bīng shān nán kào--------Iceberg is hard to rely on
- 237 别开生面 bié kāi shēng miàn--------Make a difference
- 238 百感交集 bǎi gǎn jiāo jí--------mixed feelings
- 239 拔山举鼎 bá shān jǔ dǐng--------Raising the mountain and lifting the tripod
- 240 不名一钱 bù míng yī qián--------Not a penny
- 241 不求甚解 bù qiú shén jiě--------don't understand
- 242 不可救药 bù kě jiù yào--------hopeless
- 243 返老还童 fǎn lǎo huán tóng--------Rejuvenate
- 244 多多益善 duō duō yì shàn--------The more the better
- 245 寸草春晖 cùn cǎo chūn huī--------Inch Grass Chunhui
- 246 乘兴而来 chéng xīng ér lái--------come on a whim
- 247 沉鱼落雁 chén yú luò yàn--------sinking fish and wild goose
- 248 好好先生 hǎo hǎo xiān shēng--------good sir
- 249 一网打尽 yī wǎng dǎ jǐn--------catch everything
- 250 空中楼阁 kōng zhōng lóu gé--------castle in the air
- 251 自惭形秽 zì cán xíng huì--------ashamed
- 252 有志者事竟成 yǒu zhì zhě shì jìng chéng--------Where there is a will, there is a way
- 253 一意孤行 yī yì gū xíng--------Willing to go my own way
- 254 一箭双雕 yī jiàn shuāng diāo--------kill two birds with one stone
- 255 天罗地网 tiān luō dì wǎng--------Sky net
- 256 天下无双 tiān xià wú shuāng--------second to none
- 257 望梅止渴 wàng méi zhǐ kě--------Wang Mei Quenches Thirst
- 258 闻鸡起舞 wén jī qǐ wǔ--------chicken dance
- 259 塞翁失马 sāi wēng shī mǎ--------Blessing in disguise
- 260 三令五申 sān lìng wǔ shēn--------repeated orders
- 261 上行下效 shàng xíng xià xiào--------In effect
- 262 水落石出 shuǐ luò shí chū--------come to light
- 263 双管齐下 shuāng guǎn qí xià--------Two-pronged approach
- 264 守株待兔 shǒu zhū dài tù--------wait and see
- 265 司空见惯 sī kōng jiàn guàn--------commonplace
- 266 三人成虎 sān rén chéng hǔ--------Three people become tigers
- 267 如释重负 rú shì zhòng fù--------relieved
- 268 如鱼得水 rú yú dé shuǐ--------Like a duck to water
- 269 买椟还珠 mǎi dú huán zhū--------Buy a box and return a pearl
- 270 名落孙山 míng luò sūn shān--------Sun Shan
- 271 南柯一梦 nán kē yī mèng--------Nanke Yimeng
- 272 匹夫之勇 pǐ fū zhī yǒng--------Bravery
- 273 杞人忧天 qǐ rén yōu tiān--------Worries
- 274 巧取豪夺 qiǎo qǔ háo duó--------Steal
- 275 井底之蛙 jǐng dǐ zhī wā--------frog in the well
- 276 邯郸学步 hán dān xué bù--------Handan toddler
- 277 后来居上 hòu lái jū shàng--------come from behind
- 278 狐假虎威 hú jiǎ hǔ wēi--------Fox Fake Tiger
- 279 囫囵吞枣 hú lún tūn zǎo--------Swallow dates whole
- 280 画饼充饥 huà bǐng chōng jī--------Draw cakes to satisfy hunger
- 281 高山流水 gāo shān liú shuǐ--------mountains and rivers
- 282 各得其所 gè dé qí suǒ--------each in his own right
- 283 得过且过 dé guò qiě guò--------muddle along
- 284 恶贯满盈 è guàn mǎn yíng--------full of evil
- 285 负荆请罪 fù jīng qǐng zuì--------plead guilty
- 286 不学无术 bù xué wú shù--------ignorant
- 287 沧海桑田 cāng hǎi sāng tián--------vicissitudes
- 288 乘风破浪 chéng fēng pò làng--------ride the wind and waves
- 289 唇亡齿寒 chún wáng chǐ hán--------cold lips
- 290 洛阳纸贵 luò yáng zhǐ guì--------Luoyang paper expensive
- 291 力不从心 lì bù cóng xīn--------powerless
- 292 开诚布公 kāi chéng bù gōng--------open and honest
- 293 江郎才尽 jiāng láng cái jǐn--------Exhausted talent
- 294 纪昌学射 jì chāng xué shè--------Ji Chang learns archery
- 295 过河拆桥 guò hé chāi qiáo--------Cross the river and demolish the bridge
- 296 奋不顾身 fèn bù gù shēn--------Desperate
- 297 大器晚成 dà qì wǎn chéng--------late bloomer
- 298 成也萧何,败也萧何 chéng yě xiāo hé , bài yě xiāo hé--------Winning or losing does not matter
- 299 不入虎穴不得虎子 bù rù hǔ xué bù dé hǔ zǐ--------If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get a tiger
- 300 不打不相识 bù dǎ bù xiāng shì--------do not know each other
- 301 宾至如归 bīn zhì rú guī--------feel at home
- 302 百尺竿头 bǎi chǐ gān tóu--------great success
- 303 百川归海 bǎi chuān guī hǎi--------Hundreds of rivers return to the sea
- 304 暗箭伤人 àn jiàn shāng rén--------backstabbing
- 305 安然无羔 ān rán wú gāo--------safe and sound
- 306 哀鸿遍野 āi hóng biàn yě--------mourning
- 307 老马迷途 lǎo mǎ mí tú--------old horse lost
- 308 伯乐相马 bó lè xiāng mǎ--------Bole Xiangma
- 309 感恩图报 gǎn ēn tú bào--------Thanksgiving Illustrated
- 310 以卵击石 yǐ luǎn jí shí--------pebble hit rock
- 311 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 liú dé qīng shān zài , bù pà méi chái shāo--------Where there is life, there is hope
- 312 半夜鸡叫 bàn yè jī jiào--------rooster crowing in the middle of the night
- 313 迷魂阵 mí hún zhèn--------maze
- 314 存亡齿寒 cún wáng chǐ hán--------life and death
- 315 草木皆兵的典故 cǎo mù jiē bīng de diǎn gù--------All trees and trees are soldiers
- 316 程门立雪的典故 chéng mén lì xuě de diǎn gù--------Cheng Men Lixue
- 317 闻鸡起舞的典故 wén jī qǐ wǔ de diǎn gù--------chicken dance
- 318 响遏行云 xiǎng è xíng yún--------Resounding Clouds
- 319 蚕食鲸吞 cán shí jīng tūn--------swallow like a whale
- 320 飞蛾扑火 fēi é pū huǒ--------moths to flame
- 321 雪中送炭 xuě zhōng sòng tàn--------Charcoal in the snow
- 322 行将就木 xíng jiāng jiù mù--------Dying
- 323 才高八斗的典故 cái gāo bā dǒu de diǎn gù--------Talented
- 324 风声鹤唳草木皆兵 fēng shēng hè lì cǎo mù jiē bīng--------All trees and trees are soldiers
- 325 才高八斗学富五车 cái gāo bā dǒu xué fù wǔ chē--------Talented, talented, educated and rich
- 326 怪事咄咄 guài shì duō duō--------strange things aggressive
- 327 洛阳纸贵的典故 luò yáng zhǐ guì de diǎn gù--------Luoyang paper expensive
- 328 笨鸟先飞 bèn niǎo xiān fēi--------stupid bird fly first
- 329 一枕黄粱 yī zhěn huáng liáng--------A pillow of yellow beams
- 330 奇货可居 qí huò kě jū--------Strange goods to live in
- 331 一字千金的典故 yī zì qiān jīn de diǎn gù--------Money for a word
- 332 专心致志 zhuān xīn zhì zhì--------Concentrate on
- 333 起死回生 qǐ sǐ huí shēng--------back to life
- 334 涸辙之鲋 hé zhé zhī fù--------dry rut fish
- 335 韦编三绝 wéi biān sān jué--------Wei Bian Sanjue
- 336 一言九鼎 yī yán jiǔ dǐng--------promise
- 337 持之以恒 chí zhī yǐ héng--------persevere
- 338 金蝉脱壳 jīn chán tuō ké--------Golden cicada shelling
- 339 目不识丁 mù bù shì dīng--------illiterate
- 340 图穷匕见 tú qióng bǐ jiàn--------see the picture
- 341 兔死狐悲 tù sǐ hú bēi--------Rabbit dead fox sad
- 342 笑里藏刀 xiào lǐ cáng dāo--------hide a knife in a smile
- 343 借刀杀人 jiè dāo shā rén--------borrow a knife to kill
- 344 噤若寒蝉 jìn ruò hán chán--------Chilling
- 345 寿比南山 shòu bǐ nán shān--------Subinanshan
- 346 步步为营 bù bù wèi yíng--------step by step
- 347 偷梁换柱 tōu liáng huàn zhù--------Swapping
- 348 愿者上钩 yuàn zhě shàng gōu--------volunteers take the bait
- 349 刮骨疗毒 guā gǔ liáo dú--------Scraping bones to cure poison
- 350 因小失大 yīn xiǎo shī dà--------A small loss is a big deal
- 351 霸王别姬 bà wáng bié jī--------Farewell My Concubine
- 352 塞翁失马焉知非福 sāi wēng shī mǎ yān zhī fēi fú--------It's a blessing in disguise
- 353 秦琼卖马 qín qióng mài mǎ--------Qin Qiong sells horses
- 354 锦囊妙计 jǐn náng miào jì--------Tips and tricks
- 355 道听途说 dào tīng tú shuō--------hearsay
- 356 螳螂捕蝉 táng láng bǔ chán--------Praying Mantis Cicada
- 357 一鼓作气 yī gǔ zuò qì--------In one go
- 358 大义灭亲 dà yì miè qīn--------killing relatives
- 359 一字千金 yī zì qiān jīn--------Money for a word
- 360 卧薪尝胆 wò xīn cháng dǎn--------recklessly
- 361 一人得道鸡犬升天 yī rén dé dào jī quǎn shēng tiān--------One person attains enlightenment, chicken and dog ascend to heaven
- 362 兼听则明偏信则暗 jiān tīng zé míng piān xìn zé àn--------If you listen to both, you will be clear; if you believe, you will be dark
- 363 一不做二不休 yī bù zuò èr bù xiū--------do nothing
- 364 返老还童 fǎn lǎo huán tóng--------Rejuvenate
- 365 如鱼得水 rú yú dé shuǐ--------Like a duck to water
- 366 暗度陈仓 àn dù chén cāng--------Darkness
- 367 曹冲称象 cáo chōng chēng xiàng--------Cao Chong called the elephant
- 368 百闻不如一见 bǎi wén bù rú yī jiàn--------Seeing is believing
- 369 半途而废 bàn tú ér fèi--------give up halfway
- 370 不耻下问 bù chǐ xià wèn--------Don't be ashamed to ask
- 371 一笔勾销 yī bǐ gōu xiāo--------write off
- 372 对症下药 duì zhèng xià yào--------Prescribe the right medicine
- 373 亡羊补牢 wáng yáng bǔ láo--------Make up for it
- 374 刻舟求剑 kè zhōu qiú jiàn--------Carve the boat and ask for the sword
- 375 杯弓蛇影 bēi gōng shé yǐng--------extremely suspicious
- 376 拔苗助长 bá miáo zhù cháng--------backfire
- 377 南辕北辙 nán yuán běi zhé--------polar opposite
- 378 叶公好龙 yè gōng hǎo lóng--------Ye Gong is a good dragon
- 379 天花乱坠 tiān huā luàn zhuì--------hype
- 380 抱薪救火 bào xīn jiù huǒ--------firefighting
- 381 人面桃花 rén miàn táo huā--------Peach Blossom
- 382 专横跋扈 zhuān héng bá hù--------domineering
- 383 夜郎自大 yè láng zì dà--------arrogant
- 384 顺手牵羊 shùn shǒu qiān yáng--------Follow along
- 385 鸟尽弓藏 niǎo jǐn gōng cáng--------bird's-eye
- 386 为虎作伥 wèi hǔ zuò chāng--------help a tiger
- 387 逼上梁山 bī shàng liáng shān--------overwhelmed
- 388 曲突徙薪 qū tū xǐ xīn--------Qutu Migration
- 389 马首是瞻 mǎ shǒu shì zhān--------Follow the lead
- 390 探骊得珠 tàn lí dé zhū--------Exploring Li Dezhu
- 391 安然无恙 ān rán wú yàng--------safe and sound
- 392 安步当车 ān bù dāng chē--------walk in a hurry
- 393 爱屋及乌 ài wū jí wū--------love house and crow
- 394 狼狈为奸 láng bèi wèi jiān--------gangster
- 395 疑邻盗斧 yí lín dào fǔ--------Suspicious Neighbor Ax
- 396 囊萤映雪 náng yíng yìng xuě--------Nangying Yingxue
- 397 好逸恶劳 hǎo yì è láo--------lazy
- 398 一举两得 yī jǔ liǎng dé--------kill two birds with one stone
- 399 励精图治 lì jīng tú zhì--------work hard
- 400 恭敬不如从命 gōng jìng bù rú cóng mìng--------Respect is worse than obedience
- 401 一夔已足 yī kuí yǐ zú--------one is enough
- 402 卷土重来 juàn tǔ zhòng lái--------comeback
- 403 危如累卵 wēi rú lèi luǎn--------at stake
- 404 反客为主 fǎn kè wèi zhǔ--------anti-client
- 405 以邻为壑 yǐ lín wèi hè--------beggar-thy-neighbor
- 406 举足轻重 jǔ zú qīng zhòng--------pivotal
- 407 以古非今的典故 yǐ gǔ fēi jīn de diǎn gù--------from past to present
- 408 以规为滇 yǐ guī wèi diān--------Take rules as Dian
- 409 马革裹尸 mǎ gé guǒ shī--------die on the battlefield
- 410 骄兵必败 jiāo bīng bì bài--------Proud soldiers must be defeated
- 411 箭在弦上 jiàn zài xián shàng--------arrow on the string
- 412 鞍前马后的典故 ān qián mǎ hòu de diǎn gù--------Saddle up
- 413 既往不咎 jì wǎng bù jiù--------let bygones be bygones
- 414 千万买邻 qiān wàn mǎi lín--------Do buy neighbors
- 415 一决雌雄的典故 yī jué cí xióng de diǎn gù--------showdown
- 416 忍辱负重 rěn rǔ fù zhòng--------endure humiliation
- 417 师出无名 shī chū wú míng--------Unknown teacher
- 418 死而不朽 sǐ ér bù xiǔ--------Immortal
- 419 八拜之交的典故 bā bài zhī jiāo de diǎn gù--------Eight friends
- 420 十行俱下 shí xíng jù xià--------ten elements
- 421 死不旋踵 sǐ bù xuán zhǒng--------close to death
- 422 穷兵黩武 qióng bīng dú wǔ--------militaristic
- 423 刎颈之交 wěn jǐng zhī jiāo--------close friend
- 424 苟延残喘 gǒu yán cán chuǎn--------on one's last legs
- 425 南橘北枳 nán jú běi zhī--------Southern orange and northern trifoliate
- 426 闭门思过 bì mén sī guò--------behind closed doors
- 427 七步成诗 qī bù chéng shī--------Poetry in seven steps
- 428 鞭长莫及典故 biān cháng mò jí diǎn gù--------out of reach
- 429 急中生智 jí zhōng shēng zhì--------Jizhongshengzhi
- 430 从善如流 cóng shàn rú liú--------Follow the good example
- 431 咄咄逼人 duō duō bī rén--------aggressive
- 432 心腹之患 xīn fù zhī huàn--------Heartache
- 433 射石饮羽 shè shí yǐn yǔ--------Shooting Stones and Drinking Feathers
- 434 对牛弹琴 duì niú dàn qín--------play the piano to the cow
- 435 倒行逆施 dǎo xíng nì shī--------Perverse
- 436 出尔反尔 chū ěr fǎn ěr--------Go back and forth
- 437 惩前毖后 chéng qián bì hòu--------Learn from past mistakes and avoid future ones
- 438 枯树开花 kū shù kāi huā--------dead tree blossom
- 439 大智若愚 dà zhì ruò yú--------Great Wisdom Ruoyu
- 440 无规矩不成方圆 wú guī jǔ bù chéng fāng yuán--------No rules no standards
- 441 水淹七军 shuǐ yān qī jūn--------Flooded Seventh Army
- 442 一身是胆 yī shēn shì dǎn--------full of guts
- 443 韬光养晦的典故 tāo guāng yǎng huì de diǎn gù--------keep a low profile
- 444 超群绝伦 chāo qún jué lún--------preeminent
- 445 集思广益 jí sī guǎng yì--------brainstorming
- 446 拾人牙慧 shí rén yá huì--------Picking up people's teeth
- 447 胡服骑射 hú fú qí shè--------Hu suit riding and shooting
- 448 两虎相争 liǎng hǔ xiāng zhēng--------two tigers fighting
- 449 不知不识 bù zhī bù shì--------I don't know
- 450 作壁上观 zuò bì shàng guān--------watch from the sidelines
- 451 照猫画虎 zhào māo huà hǔ--------Picture a cat and a tiger
- 452 一鸣惊人的典故 yī míng jīng rén de diǎn gù--------blockbuster
- 453 窃符救赵 qiè fú jiù zhào--------Stealing Talismans to Save Zhao
- 454 自欺欺人 zì qī qī rén--------self-deception
- 455 先发制人 xiān fā zhì rén--------preemptive strike
- 456 拔山扛鼎 bá shān káng dǐng--------Pulling the mountain to carry the tripod
- 457 打草惊蛇的典故 dǎ cǎo jīng shé de diǎn gù--------Frighten the snake
- 458 狡兔三窟 jiǎo tù sān kū--------Cunning Rabbit Three Caves
- 459 取长补短 qǔ cháng bǔ duǎn--------learn from each other
- 460 竭泽而渔 jié zé ér yú--------exhaust the pond and fish
- 461 鹤立鸡群 hè lì jī qún--------Stand out
- 462 退避三舍的典故 tuì bì sān shè de diǎn gù--------stay away
- 463 七步之才 qī bù zhī cái--------seven steps
- 464 才占八斗 cái zhān bā dǒu--------only accounted for eight buckets
- 465 欲加之罪何患无辞典故 yù jiā zhī zuì hé huàn wú cí diǎn gù--------There is nothing wrong with wanting to commit a crime
- 466 有钱能使鬼推磨 yǒu qián néng shǐ guǐ tuī mó--------Money can turn ghosts around
- 467 磨刀不误砍柴工 mó dāo bù wù kǎn chái gōng--------sharpening a knife without mistakenly chopping firewood
- 468 众人拾柴火焰高故事 zhòng rén shí chái huǒ yàn gāo gù shì--------The more the merrier
- 469 不到黄河心不死典故 bù dào huáng hé xīn bù sǐ diǎn gù--------Until the Yellow River, the heart will never die
- 470 祸起萧墙的典故 huò qǐ xiāo qiáng de diǎn gù--------Xiao Qiang
- 471 善有善报恶有恶报故事 shàn yǒu shàn bào è yǒu è bào gù shì--------what goes around comes around
- 472 鹬蚌相争渔翁得利 yù bàng xiāng zhēng yú wēng dé lì--------Two dogs fight, play off
- 473 取而代之 qǔ ér dài zhī--------replace it
- 474 破釜沉舟的典故 pò fǔ chén zhōu de diǎn gù--------burn one's boats
- 475 量体裁衣 liàng tǐ cái yī--------Tailored clothes
- 476 牛衣对泣 niú yī duì qì--------Cowclothes cry
- 477 南山可移 nán shān kě yí--------Nanshan can be moved
- 478 囊萤照读 náng yíng zhào dú--------Nang Ying read according to
- 479 紫芝眉宇 zǐ zhī méi yǔ--------Zizhi eyebrow
- 480 破镜重圆 pò jìng zhòng yuán--------reunion
- 481 扬扬得意 yáng yáng dé yì--------triumphant
- 482 吴牛喘月 wú niú chuǎn yuè--------Wu Niu Panyue
- 483 怒发冲冠 nù fā chōng guān--------bristle
- 484 千里之行始于足下 qiān lǐ zhī xíng shǐ yú zú xià--------A thousand miles begins with a single step
- 485 亡戟得矛 wáng jǐ dé máo--------dead halberd gets spear
- 486 尾大不掉 wěi dà bù diào--------big tail
- 487 鸡口牛后 jī kǒu niú hòu--------chicken mouth cow
- 488 两袖清风 liǎng xiù qīng fēng--------Breeze in sleeves
- 489 唯命是从 wéi mìng shì cóng--------obedience
- 490 危在旦夕 wēi zài dàn xī--------at stake
- 491 螳臂当车 táng bì dāng chē--------praying man
- 492 谈笑自若 tán xiào zì ruò--------Talk and laugh freely
- 493 凤毛麟角 fèng máo lín jiǎo--------rare
- 494 筚路蓝缕 bì lù lán lǚ--------blue wisp
- 495 拭目以待 shì mù yǐ dài--------wait and see
- 496 牛头马面 niú tóu mǎ miàn--------Bull head horse noodles
- 497 见微知著 jiàn wēi zhī zhù--------See micro-knowledge
- 498 江郎才尽 jiāng láng cái jǐn--------Exhausted talent
- 499 死灰复燃 sǐ huī fù rán--------resurgence
- 500 茕茕孑立 qióng qióng jié lì--------stand alone
- 501 身无长物 shēn wú cháng wù--------penniless
- 502 颐指气使 yí zhǐ qì shǐ--------Boss
- 503 牛角挂书 niú jiǎo guà shū--------Horn hanging book
- 504 敬谢不敏 jìng xiè bù mǐn--------Thank you for being sensitive
- 505 孺子可教 rú zǐ kě jiào--------child can teach
- 506 矫枉过正 jiǎo wǎng guò zhèng--------overkill
- 507 如鸟兽散 rú niǎo shòu sàn--------scattered like birds and beasts
- 508 如出一辙 rú chū yī zhé--------same
- 509 罄竹难书 qìng zhú nán shū--------too many books
- 510 青云直上 qīng yún zhí shàng--------skyrocketing
- 511 闻过则喜 wén guò zé xǐ--------happy to hear
- 512 人心不古 rén xīn bù gǔ--------Not old
- 513 鬼斧神工 guǐ fǔ shén gōng--------uncanny workmanship
- 514 五子登科 wǔ zǐ dēng kē--------Five sons enroll
- 515 抛砖引玉 pāo zhuān yǐn yù--------throw bricks and start jade
- 516 巾帼英雄 jīn guó yīng xióng--------Heroine
- 517 本末倒置 běn mò dǎo zhì--------put the cart before the horse
- 518 夏虫不可以语冰的典故 xià chóng bù kě yǐ yǔ bīng de diǎn gù--------Summer insects cannot speak ice
- 519 钟鸣鼎食 zhōng míng dǐng shí--------Zhongming Dingshi
- 520 火中取栗 huǒ zhōng qǔ lì--------Chestnut out of fire
- 521 墨守成规 mò shǒu chéng guī--------Conformity
- 522 挑肥拣瘦 tiāo féi jiǎn shòu--------pick and choose
- 523 白虹贯日 bái hóng guàn rì--------Baihong Guanri
- 524 前车之鉴 qián chē zhī jiàn--------lessons learned
- 525 两败俱伤 liǎng bài jù shāng--------lose-lose
- 526 旗鼓相当 qí gǔ xiāng dāng--------Evenly matched
- 527 扑朔迷离 pū shuò mí lí--------confusing
- 528 疲于奔命 pí yú bēn mìng--------exhausted
- 529 克己复礼 kè jǐ fù lǐ--------self-denial
- 530 焚膏继晷 fén gāo jì guǐ--------Anoint Jidun
- 531 盘根错节 pán gēn cuò jié--------Intertwined
- 532 闭月羞花 bì yuè xiū huā--------Biyuexiuhua
- 533 新亭对泣 xīn tíng duì qì--------Xinting weeping
- 534 呕心沥血 ōu xīn lì xiě--------painstakingly
- 535 数典忘祖 shù diǎn wàng zǔ--------Forgotten ancestors
- 536 首鼠两端 shǒu shǔ liǎng duān--------Both ends of the first mouse
- 537 狙公赋芧 jū gōng fù xù--------Fu Gong
- 538 桐叶封弟 tóng yè fēng dì--------Tongye Fengdi
- 539 一字之师 yī zì zhī shī--------teacher of one word
- 540 栉风沐雨 jié fēng mù yǔ--------Weather the wind and rain
- 541 厉兵秣马 lì bīng mò mǎ--------Raising troops
- 542 庆父不死鲁难未已的典故 qìng fù bù sǐ lǔ nán wèi yǐ de diǎn gù--------Qingfu is not dead, Lu Nan is not over
- 543 覆巢无完卵 fù cháo wú wán luǎn--------overwhelmed nest
- 544 克己奉公 kè jǐ fèng gōng--------self-denial
- 545 芒刺在背 máng cì zài bèi--------thorn in the back
- 546 木人石心 mù rén shí xīn--------heart of wood
- 547 牛鼎烹鸡 niú dǐng pēng jī--------Niu Ding Cooked Chicken
- 548 天真烂漫 tiān zhēn làn màn--------Naivety
- 549 犬牙交错 quǎn yá jiāo cuò--------dog-tooth
- 550 人给家足 rén gěi jiā zú--------enough for everyone
- 551 随月读书 suí yuè dú shū--------read monthly
- 552 挥汗如雨 huī hàn rú yǔ--------sweat profusely
- 553 人弃我取 rén qì wǒ qǔ--------what others give up
- 554 多事之秋 duō shì zhī qiū--------Eventful
- 555 草船借箭 cǎo chuán jiè jiàn--------Cao Chuan Borrowing Arrows
- 556 有眼不识泰山 yǒu yǎn bù shì tài shān--------eyes don't know mount tai
- 557 煮豆燃萁 zhǔ dòu rán qí--------Boiled beans and Osmunda
- 558 凿壁借光 záo bì jiè guāng--------Excuse me
- 559 东山再起的典故 dōng shān zài qǐ de diǎn gù--------Comeback
- 560 过五关斩六将 guò wǔ guān zhǎn liù jiāng--------Pass five levels and kill six generals
- 561 开天辟地 kāi tiān pì dì--------Breaking new ground
- 562 精诚所至金石为开 jīng chéng suǒ zhì jīn shí wèi kāi--------Faith will move mountains to open
- 563 孟母三迁 mèng mǔ sān qiān--------Meng Mu moved three times
- 564 暗渡陈仓 àn dù chén cāng--------Secret crossing
- 565 木牛流马 mù niú liú mǎ--------Wooden cow and horse
- 566 按图索骥 àn tú suǒ jì--------follow the map
- 567 天衣无缝 tiān yī wú féng--------seamless
- 568 班门弄斧 bān mén nòng fǔ--------Get out of the way
- 569 含沙射影 hán shā shè yǐng--------innuendo
- 570 以逸待劳 yǐ yì dài láo--------wait for work
- 571 虎头蛇尾 hǔ tóu shé wěi--------Anticlimactic
- 572 一鸣惊人 yī míng jīng rén--------blockbuster
- 573 不耻下问 bù chǐ xià wèn--------Don't be ashamed to ask
- 574 悬梁刺股 xuán liáng cì gǔ--------Cantilever thorns
- 575 千里送鹅毛 qiān lǐ sòng é máo--------Thousands of miles to send goose feathers
- 576 百步穿杨 bǎi bù chuān yáng--------shoot with great precision
- 577 三顾茅庐 sān gù máo lú--------Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage
- 578 瓜田李下 guā tián lǐ xià--------Melon field plum
- 579 车水马龙 chē shuǐ mǎ lóng--------busy traffic
- 580 东施效颦 dōng shī xiào pín--------Dongshi imitation
- 581 四面楚歌 sì miàn chǔ gē--------Besieged
- 582 八仙过海 bā xiān guò hǎi--------Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea
- 583 百发百中 bǎi fā bǎi zhōng--------crack shot
- 584 呆若木鸡 dāi ruò mù jī--------transfixed
- 585 凿壁偷光 záo bì tōu guāng--------gouging
- 586 鸡犬不宁 jī quǎn bù níng--------Restless
- 587 完璧归赵 wán bì guī zhào--------return to Zhao
- 588 声东击西 shēng dōng jí xī--------slapstick
- 589 一叶障目不见泰山 yī yè zhàng mù bù jiàn tài shān--------One leaf blinds the eyes and sees Mount Tai
- 590 九牛一毛 jiǔ niú yī máo--------A drop in the bucket
- 591 风声鹤唳 fēng shēng hè lì--------jittery
- 592 鸡鸣狗盗 jī míng gǒu dào--------chicken crowing dog thief
- 593 背水一战 bèi shuǐ yī zhàn--------last stand
- 594 打草惊蛇 dǎ cǎo jīng shé--------Frighten the snake
- 595 水滴石穿 shuǐ dī shí chuān--------water drop through stone
- 596 一诺千金 yī nuò qiān jīn--------Good promise
- 597 指鹿为马 zhǐ lù wèi mǎ--------pointing at a deer as a horse
- 598 程门立雪 chéng mén lì xuě--------Cheng Men Lixue
- 599 一叶障目 yī yè zhàng mù--------blindfolded
- 600 请君入瓮 qǐng jūn rù wèng--------Please enter the urn
- 601 管中窥豹 guǎn zhōng kuī bào--------Leopard in the Tube
- 602 大公无私 dà gōng wú sī--------impartiality
- 603 铁杵磨针 tiě chǔ mó zhēn--------Grinding needle with iron pestle
- 604 刮目相看 guā mù xiāng kàn--------admiration
- 605 门可罗雀 mén kě luō què--------No one is there
- 606 老马识途 lǎo mǎ shì tú--------old horse knows the way
- 607 此地无银三百两 cǐ dì wú yín sān bǎi liǎng--------There is no silver three hundred taels here
- 608 掩耳盗铃 yǎn ěr dào líng--------deception
- 609 毛将焉附 máo jiāng yān fù--------Mao will be attached
- 610 投桃报李 tóu táo bào lǐ--------Reciprocate
- 611 投笔从戎 tóu bǐ cóng róng--------Throw a pen and join the army
- 612 黄粱美梦 huáng liáng měi mèng--------yellow sorghum dream
- 613 点石成金 diǎn shí chéng jīn--------Midas touch
- 614 成人之美 chéng rén zhī měi--------adult beauty
- 615 全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù--------go all out
- 616 舍本逐末 shè běn zhú mò--------Skimping
- 617 百战百胜 bǎi zhàn bǎi shèng--------ever victorious
- 618 趾高气扬 zhǐ gāo qì yáng--------Smug
- 619 郑人买履 zhèng rén mǎi lǚ--------Zheng people buy shoes
- 620 招摇过市 zhāo yáo guò shì--------swagger
- 621 缘木求鱼 yuán mù qiú yú--------Yuanmuqiuyu
- 622 有恃无恐 yǒu shì wú kǒng--------confident
- 623 精卫填海 jīng wèi tián hǎi--------Jingwei reclamation
- 624 佛头着粪 fó tóu zháo fèn--------Buddha head with dung
- 625 无可奈何 wú kě nài hé--------helpless
- 626 相见恨晚 xiāng jiàn hèn wǎn--------see each other late
- 627 先入为主 xiān rù wèi zhǔ--------preconceived
- 628 目无全牛的典故 mù wú quán niú de diǎn gù--------Incomprehensible
- 629 解铃还须系铃人 jiě líng huán xū xì líng rén--------The trouble should end it
- 630 庸人自扰 yōng rén zì rǎo--------mediocrity
- 631 要言不烦 yào yán bù fán--------succinct
- 632 一目十行 yī mù shí xíng--------ten lines at a glance
- 633 义无反顾 yì wú fǎn gù--------no hesitation
- 634 阳春白雪 yáng chūn bái xuě--------Yangchun Baixue
- 635 反求诸己 fǎn qiú zhū jǐ--------Ask yourself
- 636 一毫千里 yī háo qiān lǐ--------a thousand miles
- 637 十全十美 shí quán shí měi--------perfect
- 638 心不在焉 xīn bù zài yān--------absent-minded
- 639 桑林祷雨 sāng lín dǎo yǔ--------Mulberry forest praying for rain
- 640 太公钓魚 tài gōng diào yú--------Taigong Fishing
- 641 平易近人 píng yì jìn rén--------approachable
- 642 功亏一篑 gōng kuī yī kuì--------fall short
- 643 風雨飘搖 fēng yǔ piāo yáo--------Precarious
- 644 愚公移山 yú gōng yí shān--------Yugong Yishan
- 645 耳提面命 ěr tí miàn mìng--------Reminder
- 646 一鸣惊人 yī míng jīng rén--------blockbuster
- 647 大公无私 dà gōng wú sī--------impartiality
- 648 心腹之患 xīn fù zhī huàn--------Heartache
- 649 三思而行 sān sī ér xíng--------think twice
- 650 不恥下问 bù chǐ xià wèn--------Don't be ashamed to ask
- 651 文质彬彬 wén zhí bīn bīn--------Gentle and polite
- 652 老马识途 lǎo mǎ shì tú--------old horse knows the way
- 653 守株待兔 shǒu zhū dài tù--------wait and see
- 654 杞人忧天 qǐ rén yōu tiān--------Worries
- 655 刻舟求剑 kè zhōu qiú jiàn--------Carve the boat and ask for the sword
- 656 破釜沉舟 pò fǔ chén zhōu--------burn one's boats
- 657 众志成城 zhòng zhì chéng chéng--------Unite as one
- 658 管鲍之交 guǎn bào zhī jiāo--------The acquaintance of Guan Bao
- 659 临渴掘井 lín kě jué jǐng--------Digging a well when thirsty
- 660 防患未然 fáng huàn wèi rán--------Take precautions
- 661 退避三舍 tuì bì sān shè--------stay away
- 662 掩耳盗铃 yǎn ěr dào líng--------deception
- 663 一暴十寒 yī bào shí hán--------One storm ten cold
- 664 亡羊补牢 wáng yáng bǔ láo--------Make up for it
- 665 三人成虎 sān rén chéng hǔ--------Three people become tigers
- 666 毛遂自荐 máo suì zì jiàn--------Volunteer
- 667 半途而废 bàn tú ér fèi--------give up halfway
- 668 匹夫之勇 pǐ fū zhī yǒng--------Bravery
- 669 安步当车 ān bù dāng chē--------walk in a hurry
- 670 百发百中 bǎi fā bǎi zhōng--------crack shot
- 671 狐假虎威 hú jiǎ hǔ wēi--------Fox Fake Tiger
- 672 门庭若市 mén tíng ruò shì--------crowded city
- 673 栉风沐雨 jié fēng mù yǔ--------Weather the wind and rain
- 674 擢发难数 zhuó fā nán shù--------Difficult to get promoted
- 675 大义灭亲 dà yì miè qīn--------killing relatives
- 676 南辕北辙 nán yuán běi zhé--------polar opposite
- 677 舍本逐末 shè běn zhú mò--------Skimping
- 678 排难解纷 pái nán jiě fēn--------Troubleshooting
- 679 孺子可教 rú zǐ kě jiào--------child can teach
- 680 捷足先登 jié zú xiān dēng--------Get there first
- 681 门可罗雀 mén kě luō què--------No one is there
- 682 一诺千金 yī nuò qiān jīn--------Good promise
- 683 一叶知秋 yī yè zhī qiū--------One Leaf Knows Autumn
- 684 老当益壮 lǎo dāng yì zhuàng--------old and strong
- 685 死灰复燃 sǐ huī fù rán--------resurgence
- 686 塞翁失馬 安知非福 sāi wēng shī mǎ ān zhī fēi fú--------It's a blessing in disguise
- 687 自相矛盾 zì xiāng máo dùn--------contradictory
- 688 有志竟成 yǒu zhì jìng chéng--------ambitious
- 689 合浦珠还 hé pǔ zhū huán--------Hepu Pearl Return
- 690 车水马龙 chē shuǐ mǎ lóng--------busy traffic
- 691 饮鸩止渴 yǐn zhèn zhǐ kě--------drink poison to quench thirst
- 692 三顾茅庐 sān gù máo lú--------Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage
- 693 手不释卷 shǒu bù shì juàn--------Can't put it down
- 694 刮目相待 guā mù xiāng dài--------wait and see
- 695 入木三分 rù mù sān fēn--------penetrating
- 696 木人石心 mù rén shí xīn--------heart of wood
- 697 世外桃源 shì wài táo yuán--------Xanadu
- 698 妙手回春 miào shǒu huí chūn--------rejuvenation
- 699 杯弓蛇影 bēi gōng shé yǐng--------extremely suspicious
- 700 五光十色 wǔ guāng shí sè--------Colorful
- 701 扑朔迷离 pū shuò mí lí--------confusing
- 702 瓜田李下 guā tián lǐ xià--------Melon field plum
- 703 焚膏继晷 fén gāo jì guǐ--------Anoint Jidun
- 704 磨杵成针 mó chǔ chéng zhēn--------Grind pestle into needle
- 705 黄粱一梦 huáng liáng yī mèng--------Huangliang a dream
- 706 梦笔生花 mèng bǐ shēng huā--------dream pen flowers
- 707 推心置腹 tuī xīn zhì fù--------Confidential
- 708 安贫乐道 ān pín lè dào--------live in poverty
- 709 才高八斗 cái gāo bā dǒu--------Talented
- 710 水落石出 shuǐ luò shí chū--------come to light
- 711 开卷有益 kāi juàn yǒu yì--------Open book is beneficial
- 712 两袖清风 liǎng xiù qīng fēng--------Breeze in sleeves